How Will An Astrology Reading Help Me?

If you've never had an astrology reading before, you might wonder what all the fuss is about?

Let's be frank, what could you actually learn from someone telling you qualties about yourself when you know yourself better than anyone?! Well the answer is rather a long one. While it is true that there are many ordinary astrologers out there who can reveal secret qualities about you without ever having met you, solely based on your birth time, there is a lot more to astrology than mere character description. For instance, you may find the following long list of other applications of astrology:

You might be interested in Vocational or Career Advice.
Perhaps you'd like to know the perfect time to lauch a new Business product or a new start up ? Is it a good time to go into negotiations ?
When should I buy my house ?
Am I with the right sexual partner ?

Understanding the unconscious motivations driving you from past life experiences and birth configuration can really help us learn what drives our strengths and explain our shortcomings. Moreover, learn how to best approach difficulties signified by any current planetary movements (transits).

So let's explore some of the benefits of astrological counseling in more detail :

1. Vocational or Career Astrology

Astrology can help you better understand your personality's strengths and weaknesses, your natural talents and, of course, your shortcomings. It can help direct you towards the best professions in order to make the most money. Furthermore, it can also suggest the best careers that will result in job satisfaction and personal fulfilment.

Choosing a job based on a vocational horoscope is a complex process of analysis that involves taking into account one's character, one's strengths and aptitudes. Moreover we must consider which tasks make you feel happiest day­to­day and most fulfilled. All of this accumulates into a list of career possibilities or sectors that would be ideal for you. A great career astrologer can point you in the right direction if you're confused, or advise you if you're considering a future career change.

2. Medical Astrology

Medical astrology can be used to examine the best dates for medical procedures including surgeries and the change to alternative treatments. It is tricky for medical astrologers to practice in places such as the United States, because only doctors are legally allowed to treat patients or prescribe medication. These same draconian laws make it challenging for your massage therapist to really help you out with that lower back pain you're having as they can't really talk about it. But we won't go into politics here. Suffice to say, that your medical astrologer may have to use cryptic language when working with you to "educate you about medical astrology". In the end, you are left with useful information that will help you make the best decision regarding any treatment recommended by your primary health care provider.

Long ago, we became aware of the best times for surgeries in order to avoid excessive bleeding, and ensure the best results. Doctors have lost sight of this information, so it's a great idea to check with a medical astrologer before scheduling a major surgery. Many scientists are aware of the shocking statistics that many more medical procedures run into trouble during eclipses that during other phases of the moon. Not mere coincidence I'm sure you'll agree . So check those dates with a VERY qualified and EXPERIENCED medical astrologer. This is your health, so make sure you do your research well, and ask the right questions before scheduling a medical procedure.

Medical astrology can also be of help if your current set of symptoms is baffling your primary care doctors. It's always worth consulting with an experienced medical astrologer to read the "planetary weather" in case there might be an area of the body that your doctor is failing to pay enough attention to.

3. Business Astrology

Putting the words business and astrology together is a bit like putting the words scientific and psychics together, right? Astonishingly to many business-minded people, astrology is considered to be the missing link between success and failure. For instance, did you know that most businesses that incorporate while the moon is "void of course" will not succeed in the long run? Not only that, but there are times when a product launch will be more successful, and other times during which a good business astrologer will alert you to possible challenges you might face. If you have the flexibility to adjust the launch date, wouldn't you rather wait 2 weeks, if you knew that it would avoid making your launch a flop?

Business astrology can also help you get the most out of your team by learning about your own leadership skills. This process could help you understand how to best work with co- workers from your CEO to the post room clerk. It could also aid you in planning the best time to ask for a raise or promotion. Seek out a qualified and experienced business astrologer when you need help in these areas. Furthermore, don't be afraid to ask for your astrologer's track record with success beforehand.

4. Past Life Astrology - Evolutionary Astrology

Are you aware that we all have unconscious tenancies that drive our daily choices? A past life or karmic astrologer can help you sort out what may have resulted in some of those most ingrained personal habits and reoccurring situations. Brian Weiss, the famous MD and past life regression therapist has case histories packed with successful regressions that lead to the healing of chronic problems that appear to have been related to past life traumas, somehow retained in the current body and psyche. Understanding what drives these unconscious thoughts can create a liberating feeling and can connect you with a deeper sense of life purpose.

Don't believe in past lives? You don't have to in order to receive the benefits of a past life reading. A branch of astrology called Evolutionary Astrology seeks to help clients by tapping into this deeply ingrained unconscious material and bringing it into the forefront of a client's awareness. Some people claim it would be all but too easy to simply "make up" past life stories in an astrology reading, and that there is no way to verify the "truth". How can you tell the difference between a reputable reading and a fake one? The only true way of knowing is through the feeling you experience during and after your reading. Does the reading resonate with you? Or does it seem to "not fit"? You are always the best authority on the subject, so always trust your own instincts before committing on a new path or a new direction.

5. Psychological Astrology

Most people are familiar with character astrology, or the kind of astrology that describes one's personality. This type of astrology can be really fun. But just how useful is it? And have you ever thought about how much you're limiting yourself by using personality- based astrology as if it were a predetermined behavioural profile? For instance, how many times have you said "I'm just that way because I'm a Gemini (or Aquarius, or Taurus...)?" Don't feel bad, we've all done it! But astrology holds a much greater gift: it can help us understand ourselves better so that we can make informed change. This is the domain of psychological astrology.

Psychological astrology can help you to learn about your personality's "Pit­falls" - those parts of your personality or life that always seem to get you into trouble. A psychological astrologer may actually have a therapy degree or credential in addition to astrological training. If you are working with a challenging psychological diagnosis, it is recommended that you seek out someone like this, who is qualified to work with your particular health issue. However, for many people, a good psychological astrologer with natural counselling skills can provide just as effective helpful guidance, insight, and support as a certified professional.

Many psychological astrologers will work with clients over several sessions, or even longer periods of time, to address complex issues. Change isn't always easy, and it's a good idea to have as much support as you can in the process.

6. Traditional Astrology

As the saying goes, timing is everything. There are many astrological techniques that professional astrologers have been using for hundreds (if not thousands) of years to select the best times for every and any important moment in our lives- from planting seeds, getting married to stating a conflict. Whether you are planning to buy or sell a house, start a new job, have a baby or move to a new city, a qualified astrologer can help you choose the ideal date. Your astrologer may cast what is called an "electional" which is a chart or horoscope based on the projected time of your new endeavour.

Once I compiled an electional chart for a client who was selling their house. Their real estate agent had insisted on listing the house on a Sunday. Instead I recommend waiting until the following Wednesday, which was the date I had identified as the best date. In fact, this date was so auspicious I told my client to be ready for a very quick close on the contract. They found a buyer for the house within 3 days and closed 2 weeks later! Although their real estate agent was still sceptical, he never said another word about it. What else could you use this for ? The possibilities are endless.

7. Relationship Astrology (Synastry)

Relationship astrology is probably the second most popular kind of astrology - right behind Sun Sign, or personality astrology. However, not many people approach relationship astrology in the most beneficial way. Never let an astrologer tell you who or how to love. You are always the best authority on this very personal matter. We are drawn to people for a reason, sometimes for spiritual connection, and sometimes just to learn valuable (and often hard) lessons. But most of us can probably think of one of those "hard lessons" won that we wouldn't trade for anything, because it taught us just what we needed to know at the right time in our lives. We can look back at those partners and thank them with grace. And you may never know when one of these partner had an overdue karmic debt to you and was actually repaying a past favour!

So what makes relationship astrology relevant if an astrologer can't tell when and where you're going to meet the perfect person? A gifted relationship astrologer will actually describe to you what your partners strengths and weaknesses are, and vice versa, so that you can better work together. Let's not forget that a relationship is a partnership. So in a compatibility reading you'll learn how to make the best of any relationship. Every relationship has challenges and rewards. You're learning how best to balance the particular mix you have with your partner.

By the way, relationship readings aren't just for romantic partners. You can have a compatibility reading with any 2 individuals – a colleague, a child, even a pet!

8. Transit Astrology

It's been said a million times before, but "as above, so below" which accurately describes our relationship with the heavens. Your birth chart or horoscope is a map of the planetary positions relative to your place of birth at the exact time that you arrive in the world. But the planets keep moving! And as they form mathematical angles with the positions they were in when you were born, those angles mark the major events and evolutionary cycles in our lives. Most astrologers will do transit readings or progression readings. Solar return readings fall under this category too. It can be so self­validating and liberating to find out that auspicious periods described by the heavens relate in a very meaningful way to our present circumstances.

Transit astrology will help you plan for the future. As you will know which cycles are coming, you can transfer these energies into your awareness and work with them in a proactive way. Many astrologers believe that if you work with planetary energy in a conscious way, you can avoid some of those situations where it feels like life is happening TO you instead of WITH you.

Transit astrology can also be used to describe and predict future events. This is perhaps most interesting in the public sphere, which is called Mundane Astrology. Perhaps the best modern example of mundane astrology is Richard Tarnas' book Cosmos and Psyche, in which transits are examined against the backdrop of modern history in detail over the last 500 years or so. This revelatory book will change anyone's mind about the validity of astrology. And the first section of the book will make an optimist of any pessimistic philosopher. A must read.

9. Astro*Carto*Graphy or Relocation Astrology

Astrology is extremely complex and is always being reinterpreted and re­examined. One of its newest innovations is Astro*Carto*Graphy, which was developed by the late, great, Jim Lewis. Astro*Carto*Graphy is actually a specific Relocation Astrology technique, which also includes techniques like Local Space. These techniques are all in used to understand the way a particular location can have an effect on one's birth chart.

We tend to have a good time on vacation. But if you've travelled a bit, have you ever felt drawn to a certain place, or found that you really "light up" in certain cities? You may be noticing the energies that can be explained through astrolocality, or relocation astrology. In certain locations, you will tend to have more of the experience associated with the planetary archetypes that are enhanced for you there.

As you search for the perfect place though, remember you still have a birth chart! You can think of a relocation chart as the permanent transits that you will pick up on when in a particular location. You will still be you even though you may have a "relocated sun in a better position" in Kansas, so don't pack up and move without evaluating your entire life, including your birth chart and current transits. It's been said a lot here, but always remember that you know yourself better than anyone. You can get the most out of an astrology reading if you stay connected to your own heart.

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